سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن
[ و ابو جحیفه گوید از امیر المؤمنین ( ع ) شنیدم که مى‏گفت : ] نخست درجه از جهاد که از آن باز مى‏مانید ، جهاد با دستهاتان بود ، پس جهاد با زبان ، سپس جهاد با دلهاتان ، و آن که به دل کار نیکى را نستاید و کار زشت او را ناخوش نیاید ، طبیعتش دگرگون شود چنانکه پستى وى بلند شود و بلندیش سرنگون زشتیهایش آشکار و نیکوییهایش ناپدیدار . [نهج البلاغه]

انگلیسی برای دانشجویان حسابداری

9. What Patriotism is to the Science of War for the purpose of defense, the religious sentiment of Love is to the true Science of Society. The hearty recognition of human brotherhood, and the aspiration after true relations with God and man, are, at this day, widely diffused in the ranks of society. Christianity has produced its fruit in the development of right affection far beyond what the religious teachers among us are themselves disposed to credit it for. The demand is not now for more eloquence, and touching appeals, and fervent prayers to swell the heart to bursting with painful sympathies for suffering humanity. The time has come when preaching must give away to action, aspiration to realization, and amiable but fruitless sympathetic affections to fundamental investigation and scientific methods. The true preachers of the next age will be the scientific discoverers and the practical organizers of true social relations among men. The religious ion to Social Science is unphilosophical.

10. There is another form in which this ion is sometimes urged by those who claim to understand somewhat the philosophy of progress. They affirm that, if the disposition to do right exist in the Individual or in the community, that disposition will inevitably conduct to the knowledge of the right way; in other words, that Wisdom is a necessary outgrowth of Love; and hence they deduce the conclusion that we need not concern ourselves in the least about discovering the laws of a true social order. The premise of this statement is true, while the conclusion is false. Taken together, it is as if one should assert that the sense of hunger naturally impels men to find the means of subsistence, and hence that no man need trouble himself about food. Let him sit down, quietly relying upon the potency of mere hunger to provide the means of the gratification of his appetite.


محمد تقی قاسمی ::: پنج شنبه 86/10/20::: ساعت 12:0 صبح

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